Kick Ass in Life
Latest Episodes
Ep: 49 How to save money without sacrificing with the Fiscal Femme
Ashley Feinstein Gerstley of the Fiscal Femme is working to demystify money. She just released her book the 30-Day Money Cleanse and she has so much to share about how to be smart with money including how to break our bad habits around money and create ne
Ep 48: How to Negotiate Your Salary and Find Purpose with Work Bigger’s Belma McCaffrey
Belma McCaffrey is all about finding purpose in work. She created the Work Bigger community to redefine work so it’s a vehicle for creativity, impact and living a better life. We talk about how Belma transitioned from the media world of Conde and the Asso
How to Speak Up and Make Money Moves with Lori Kaufman
Lori Kaufman is an entertainment and pop culture aficionado who has turned her passion into her career. Her approach was to seek out a way to match what excited her (entertainment) with a job in the corporate world leading her to iN DEMAND. Now Lori now w
Ep 46: How to Create Authentic Connections with Jennifer Moon
Getting a job is all about WHO you know. You can do that through knowing and meeting more people, but how? One way is through networking. Networking is a dirty word. We think of it as stuffy, crowded room meeting all types of people who are just there to
Ep 45: How to turn rejection into a job offer with the Muse's Alyse Kalish
Alyse Kalish is a writer and editor at the Muse. She was first rejected for an internship at the Muse, but that didn't stop her. She was tenacious and followed up the right way up to land an internship in a later semester. Once she was in the role, she sh
How to pay off debt and do a no-spend challenge with Jen Smith
Jen Smith paid off $78k of student loans in two years and she wants to help others be smart with money through her Modern frugality blog and her Frugal Friends podcast. She also wrote a book called the No Spend Challenge Guide to share how you can go on a
Ep 43: How to Promote Yourself with The Muse’s Abby Wolfe
Abby Wolfe is a career coach and writer and editor at The Muse, a website for career advice, workshops and to search for jobs. Abby is the type of person who always has a side gig and who has been able to transition to making the full time freelance life
Ep 42: How to Land a job in Television and Stand Apart
Mark Scholnick dreamed of working in television. He was basically a human TV guide growing up. So he thought, someone works in television, why not me? He got his start as an assistant at NBC and worked his way up for the past 15 years through different ro
Ep 41: Be Open to Opportunity with Fairygodboss' Mary Pharris
Mary Pharris is the Director of Business development at Fairygodboss, which is a website and career community for women. It provides career connections, jobs, advice and more. Mary started her career in campaign fundraising and worked for Barack Obama in
Ep 40: How to Make Plans for the New Year that Work
Resolutions are out - plans are in. In this episode, we do a deep dive to how to make goals for the new year. I’ve taken some quick tips from the experts in habits and happiness including Gretchen Rubin with her Happier Podcast, Chris Gillibrou with Side