Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing & Income Property

Creating Wealth Real Estate Investing & Income Property

1350: When They Come For You with David Kirby

December 19, 2019

What can you do when the government comes and seizes your assets? Jason Hartman and David Kirby, investigative journalist and author who was a regular contributor to The New York Times, Huffington Post and TakePart, and author of the new book When They Come For You, look into the practice of asset forfeiture, both civil and criminal. The two search for answers to the question of what regular citizens can do about the problem, as well as which states are really leading the charge in protecting their citizens.

Key Takeaways:

[1:40] Police departments have become the modern day debtors prison

[6:40] The issue of debtors prison goes far beyond just the person who's incarcerated

[10:10] The egregious action of civil forfeiture

[17:31] What we can do about asset forfeiture

[20:40] Nebraska and New Mexico now have no asset forfeiture and 15 states now require a criminal conviction
