Latest Episodes

Episode 5 - Response to Willie D’s video about pastor kicking transgendered man out of his church
February 10, 2019

(I was in my car broadcasting this lol) This episode is a response to Willie D’s question as to whether or not a pastor was right in kicking the transgendered man out of his church. The answer may shock you.

Response To "Christianity Strips you Of True Spirituality" video
January 28, 2019

This episode is a response to viral video entitled "Christianity strips you of spirituality". There are many fallacious arguments given in the video which need to be exposed and unpacked. Our people, meaning the African diaspora, have been fed lies...

Jesus and The Conscious Community
January 17, 2019

Today’s episode will dive into the subject of the conscious community’s take on Jesus Christ. There seems to be a somewhat hostile view of Jesus and the conscious community, but there is no need for such a view when considering the information given...

I'm BACK...
September 28, 2017

The last show of KGRB Was broadcasted back in 2012. A lot has changed. However, I am back and I still have a lot to say about the world that we live in.