Ken P.D. Snydecast - FRED Entertainment

Ken P.D. Snydecast - FRED Entertainment

Latest Episodes

225: Cart Before The Hoarse
September 01, 2015

Ken & Dana return with a bit of dumpster diving.

224: Shanghai Surprise
August 14, 2015

Ken and Dana return with a piano strapped to their handlebar.

223: A Taunt Of Flavor
May 22, 2015

Ken and Dana return with a hatbox full of love.

222: Hot Fez
February 11, 2015

Ken and Dana return with the minty stuff.

221: Dole Whipped
December 19, 2014

Ken and Dana return with magic, and plenty of it.

220: Sweet Potater Tots
October 24, 2014

Ken and Dana return with ungodly amounts of chips and salsa.

219: Meal-y Mouthed
October 16, 2014

Ken and Dana return with sausage gravy and scallops in the community of tomorrow.

218: Oglr
September 25, 2014

Ken and Dana return with swedish meatballs and nude sandwiches in Cuddler's Cove.

217: Curtain Call
September 16, 2014

Ken and Dana return with fresh promises, a brand new CD for you to buy, and bistro McBreakfast. Robble robble.

216: To The Manor Bored
August 04, 2014

Ken and Dana return in the same space at the same time for the same claptrap.