Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

Heartland Dems to Washington: You’re Killing Us!
January 25, 2018

It used to be that everyone in the Midwest knew “FDR is for people like us” and they voted solid Democrat. Not any more. On Part One, conventional wisdom is that Democrats will most likely make gains in congress in

Breaking the Cycle of Cynicism: It Can Be Fun
January 23, 2018

Americas founders intended us to enjoy real power. Yet powers that be have convinced many of us that we are powerless.  From many years of community organizing Gordon Whitman’s new book shares what he’s learned can work to empower average

Trump Was Set Up By Putin
January 18, 2018

Russia aims to weaken America. Putin was determined to stop Hillary Clinton who was exceptionally hawkish toward Russia. He found a perfect candidate in Trump. Incredibly enough, a similar story was written as as a political thriller novel by well

Weapons Industry on AutoPilot Under Trump
January 16, 2018

What actually works to make us safer? Much of recent military policy has actually worked to strengthen our 21st century enemies. Why is it that the defense industry is so effective at convincing members of both parties that we really

16 Year Old Girl Takes on Israeli Military
January 11, 2018

If you are a sixteen year old girl, standing up to the men of the Israeli military is highly risky. You may not have heard of Ahed Tamimi. She is being held in an Israeli jail for slapping an Israeli

Disobedience: Democracy Depends on It
January 02, 2018

“Just following orders” is no defense. In a democracy we assume that individuals in society will take personal responsibility and disobey immoral commands. But as many experiments have shown, people rarely question orders from authorities.

Democrats: A Party in Need of Reboot
December 28, 2017

Democrats have gone from a state of shock to one of denial. It’s time to face up to what needs to be done to win in 2018. On this show, former Congressman Paul Hodes discusses how we blew it and

The Real Pre-Christian Meaning of Christmas
December 26, 2017

While some argue Christmas is really an international religious Christian holiday, that is just not the case. On this show, Burt’s guest is the Reverend Selena Fox, a Wiccan priestess, interfaith minister, Pagan elder, author, and lecturer in the fields

Christmas/Hanukkah: Strength Through Generosity Not Domination
December 24, 2017

It’s more than the similar time of year. According to guest Rabbi Michael Lerner, of Tikkun Magazine and chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives, both holidays mark times in which people without power successfully took on the powers of

Bringing Democracy into the 21st Century
December 19, 2017

Democracy in 18th century America worked fairly easily. Nearly 250 years later, we are the least democratic of all the world’s republics. Right, left, or independent: nearly all Americans feel frustrated that the ability for average citizens to have power