Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

Beyond the 2020 Electoral Circus: Action
February 12, 2019

Two minutes every four years, just going into the voting booth to choose a president, is hardly a sufficient tool to leverage the changes which we both need and are possible. As author Paul Street points out, idling capital is

Nonviolent Refusal To Cooperate: The Irish Set The Standard
February 07, 2019

Gandhi and Nehru took their inspiration from the Irish, people like Arthur Griffith. Who? Though violence gets all the headlines, rendering the powerful suddenly powerless though noncooperation is by far the most effective tactic.

New Orleans at 300: Cultural Spectacle Vs. Ruling Racism
February 05, 2019

It’s African and Catholic. Caribbean and European. Our guest Jason Berry’s new book is called City of a Million Dreams: A History of New Orleans at Year 300. And talk about colorful. For cultural identity, Allen Toussaint clashes with Robert

Democrats More Hawkish Than Trump?
January 31, 2019

Had Obama announced pull back of troops from Syria and Afghanistan, our guest Major Danny Sjursen says there’d probably be a ticker tape parade. But because of our reactive hatred for all things Trump, a bizarre thing happened: Democrats opposed

Sparking Prosperity for Everyone
January 29, 2019

Liberal-initiated efforts to eliminate poverty have been top down for about 50 years. But to be successful, development can’t be done to them from on high; it has to be done by the people most affected. We shouldn’t have low

A Wall Won’t Work. A New Marshall Plan Just Might.
January 22, 2019

Of course Trump’s wall is useless. If we want to stem the flow of refugees from Central America, and stop wasting billions of tax dollars, a new Marshall Plan is needed. What motivates Central Americans to make the thousand mile

Angela Davis: Rising Star Again
January 17, 2019

After nearly 50 years, she’s back in the news, and she keeps on pushing.  Angela Davis gained fame/notoriety as the Afro-coiffed California professor/activist speciously charged with helping Jonathan Jackson trying to free his brother George,

Great American Populism for 2020 Wins
January 15, 2019

What is “populism?” It sure is not Donald Trump. Our guest today former Oklahoma Senator and chair of the DNC, Fred Harris, who ran for president in 1976, says of the media “to call Trump populist is complicity in a

From History Vantage Point: When Did the GOP Move to the Dark Side?
January 10, 2019

This is not your father’s Republican Party. Conservatism has been left behind, replaced by the politics of cruelty. The common good is no longer a concern; Trumpism has openly enshrined greed, and the old checks and balances of democracy as

How Trumpism Liberates Americans from Complex Realities
January 08, 2019

It’s a uniquely powerful new tool: undermining peoples psychological ability to know and accept reality. In his new book: State of Confusion; Political Manipulation and the Assault on the American Mind, nationally renowned clinical psychologist and aut...