Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

Is the Era of Centrist Establishment Democrats Over?
May 07, 2019

Trying to get all people to like you is a guaranteed way for a politician to lose. But don’t Democrats really need a non-threatening, middle-of-the-roader to beat Trump in 2020? On this show we look at the concept of “the

The Rise of History: Vital for Our Future
May 02, 2019

Many reject science and embrace myth instead. But just as technological advance depends on knowledge gained through science, so the future of America relies on knowledge of our history. Until recently it has been tough times for History departments. While

1919/2019: Echoes on Immigration and Race
April 30, 2019

Racism was certainly more honest and open a hundred years ago. Today’s voter suppression is far more subtle than blatant Jim Crow laws. But in terms of attitudes on immigration, surprisingly little has changed. On this show Author Arnold Skip

WBCN And The American Revolution
April 25, 2019

Like a pebble tossed in a pond, the cultural and political ripples from the pioneering WBCN continue. Launched in March 1968 with Cream’s “I Feel Free,” it became a national phenomenon. With the release of the long anticipated documentary “WBCN

Realistic Optimism for Actual Democracy
April 23, 2019

Sure the super rich and powerful want us to accept our powerlessness. But we are not! Since the rule of white male aristocrats, the struggle to tamp down voting has been consistent and largely successful. The are determined to hold

Assange: The Legal Bounds of Journalism
April 16, 2019

Applying the standard of  “clear and present danger,” which is more of a threat; an anti-free press government or leakers? What is the state of our old First Amendment regarding Wikileaks? When Assange published the data leaks from Bradley Manning

DCCC Fighting Against Democrats
April 11, 2019

You would think the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee would be all about electing Democrats to congress. They are supposed to be neutral but instead the more conservative, 1990s wing is circling their wagons to keep out progressives.

Europe at Cliff’s Edge
April 09, 2019

The middle fiddled and the right has risen. With the European Union elections fast approaching (May 23-26) the ascendancy of the racist right and the demise of the traditional mainstream left will be tested. On this show, Foreign Policy In

Hamilton Against Democracy, Struggle Still Unresolved
April 04, 2019

The hugely successful Broadway does a service: igniting the relevance of history to today. Of course it is largely fiction. As  author and historian William Hogeland tells it, Hamilton saw his job as just making America a good investment. He

Heartland Momentum for Medicare For All
April 02, 2019

We’re in a different moment. The idea of Medicare for All has been around a long time. But as the 2020 campaigns kick in, there is clear momentum. Disappointed by the insurance industry role in the ACA, more and more