Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

Massive French Strike: What You Haven’t Heard
January 23, 2020

There’s been no coverage in America of the extended turmoil engulfing France since early December. But it is huge, and it is a major intensification of a worldwide struggle against neoliberal globalism. As Macron’s government and so many others aim

Q: What is The “Deep State?” A: The Opposite of What Trump Says It Is.
January 21, 2020

As our guest author Rebecca Gordon explains the term “deep state” is from Turkey, where they have government by a criminal gang. And though Trump clearly enjoys accusing others of what he displays, the legitimate government, the one filled with

From 1792 to Nixon to Reagan to Trump’s New Levels of Malfeasance
January 16, 2020

According to our guest historian James Banner, “The first instance of executive branch malfeasance occurred in 1792, during Washington’s first term in office.”  So since instituting a new government designed to be of, by, and for all the citizens, it

Borders: An Idea Whose Time Has Passed?
January 14, 2020

Did you know the United States had open borders for 100 years? Building walls and caging children as families are separated certainly won’t stop the flow of refugees. People only flee their homes from truly extreme threats and can not

From The Bottom Up: Real Change, Right and Left
January 09, 2020

Populism is defined as “a political approach that strives to appeal to ordinary people who feel that their concerns are disregarded by established elite groups.” We never hear of the grassroots Tea Party any more because they won. The took

Iraq/Iran: Reverberations From The Assassination
January 07, 2020

Hundreds of thousands of lives are suddenly at great risk. As former national security advisor Susan Rice writes “Full-scale conflict is not a certainty, but the probability is higher than at any point in decades.” With us to discuss the

Hardly A Science, Can We Actually Learn From History?
January 02, 2020

Often called the father of scientific or objective history, the ancient Greek philosopher Thucydides did not see himself that way. According to our guest, history can never be a blueprint. We just can’t make sense of it. There are no

Well Hidden: Left Progress in Mexico And Stability in Syria
December 31, 2019

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador has been president of Mexico just over a year and he is already had success bringing great change. Much to the distress of the oligarchy which has ruled for decades. His new left party MORENA now

The Christmas Truce: Powerful, Brave, and Not So Isolated
December 26, 2019

You’ve heard of the famous Christmas Truce of 1914 between the trenches of the British and German soldiers. These were indeed brave men. But that was not the only such event: there were desertions, mutinies, and fraternizations. Today it seems

Christmas/Hanukkah Are About Strength Through Generosity, Not Dominance
December 24, 2019

It’s more than the similar time of year. According to guest Rabbi Michael Lerner, of Tikkun Magazine and chair of the Network of Spiritual Progressives, both holidays mark times in which people without power successfully took on the powers of