Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

A Benefit From Covid? 4 Day Work Week
August 31, 2021

With the pandemic throwing everything up in the air, there are new opportunities for us to shape the way it all lands. Going back to the old “normal” is not the only option. On this show Joe Ryle a le

Now They Must Govern: Prospects for the Taliban
August 24, 2021

Anything but monolithic, the newly victorious Taliban have internal divisions and are desperately seeking stability. Many confuse the Taliban with Al Qaeda and even ISIS, but the truth is ISIS was the

Pack The Court!
August 19, 2021

Let’s face it: the current Supreme Court is hostile to democracy. Even if Congress passes the John Lewis Voting Rights Act, the voter suppression right wing will take it to this Supreme Court which wi

The Emerging Post-American Non-West Order
August 17, 2021

Here we are well into the 21st century and we’re stuck on imperialism, a 19th century western idea. Meanwhile a new non-western, non-American, nonaligned world is emerging. And perhaps it’s a very goo

After Rich Trumka: Now What for Labor?
August 12, 2021

You may not have heard of Rich Trumka who passed away suddenly August 5th. From working in the mines of Pennsylvania he served as president of the AFL-CIO from 2009 to 2021. Our guest today is once an

Horseshoe Crabs and Covid//Biden’s Options for China Policy
August 10, 2021

They come to us as they were from millions of years ago and today they are vital to fighting Covid and other diseases. On part one, Author William Sargent talks about his new book Crab Wars. The deman

Veterans and Suicide: The “Moral Injury” We Don’t Want to See
August 06, 2021

Great stone monuments to the glory of war serve to silence the pain. Currently four times as many troops and veterans die by suicide as in combat. Our guest on today’s show is  Moravian University pro

The Global Right’s Bizarre Obsession with Pedophilia
August 04, 2021

It’s the ideal fear generator; there’s nothing more awful than child abuse. Intentionally whipping up  such fear is a tried and true tool for crushing democracy. Cosmopolitan globalism, the prospect o

9/11 At 20: So, Why Did We Attack Iraq?
July 29, 2021

Regime change in Iraq was on Bush’s agenda since 1998, September 11 merely enabled it. On this show is historian Larry Hartenian whose new book is titled George W Bush Administration Propaganda for an

America Will Be Lots Richer With No Billionaires
July 27, 2021

Everyone knows the tax code is there to serve the richest Americans. But when it was created, the tax code was actually intended to tax only the richest. The Progressive era was a way out of the last