Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

He Knows a Coup When He Sees One
November 04, 2021

Claiming the election was stolen, “angry loyalists storming the building while overwhelmed security guards gave way. The slavishly loyal vice-president who would, the president hoped, restore him to p

What Was the Obama Presidency Really?
November 01, 2021

Everyone who supported him projected what they wanted to see on him in 2008. In his new book He Was Our Man In  Washington, A History of the Obama Years, author Owen Symes reveals such little known fa

Tax The Rich to Boost the Economy
October 28, 2021

For decades the majority of Americans, Democrats and Republicans have supported taxing the rich but politicians in both parties have turned a deaf ear. But the grudging acceptance that everyone but th

How Measuring Education Fails
October 26, 2021

If it can’t be seen, it can’t be measured, and it doesn’t count. But a lot of the best results of public education can’t be seen. Quantifying was put there to assure command and control from the top d

Pervasive Yet Invisible Whie Christian Privilege Pervasive Yet Invisible White Christian Privilege
October 21, 2021

It’s been normalized. Americans who are neither Christian nor white may not necessarily feel open discrimination, but privilege underlies everyday life. The starting point is not neutral, as we’d pref

Making the World Safe for Plutocracy: The History of American Policing
October 19, 2021

It was called the Gilded Age. In the late 19th and early 20th century, there was extreme wealth and everybody else (remind you of another time?). Wall Street bankers back then were getting robbed, som

Republican Goal: End Public Education, End Democracy
October 15, 2021

It’s not about education reform; Republicans like Florida’s DeSantis and others are actually out to end public education. On this show, New Republic editor Kathryn Joyce looks behind such appealing ph

The Prescience And Vision of Rosa Luxemburg. Who?
October 12, 2021

Precapitalist indigenous cultures have a lot to offer us today for a better, greener future. And socialism is not how its pictured. Neglected by the Great Men study of history, Rosa Luxemburg, a 4′ 11

For Inspiration Today: Fannie Lou Hamer In the Early 60s
October 07, 2021

When she came onto the civil rights stage, the men assumed she’d sing, not speak. But Fannie Lou Hamer was a force. As author Kate Clifford Larson tells the amazing story in her new book Walk With Me,

From Heroes to Targets: Medical Workers Under Attack
October 05, 2021

It’s not like displaying a large red cross protects doctors from attack anymore. Yesterday’s Covid heroes are today vilified by some. Across the globe, health care workers have become routinely target