Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

Time to End Family Court?
August 02, 2023

Imagine being a judge and having a mandate to break up families! Todays guest, noted children and family lawyer Jane Spinak talks about her new book The End of Family Court: How Abolishing the Court

Finding Unexpected Bravery and Tenacity Among the Homeless
July 31, 2023

Many of those of us who have homes wish the homeless were invisible. Unknown, clearly on hard times, why isnt it done, why is it in all of our interest to prevent homelessness? Noted psychiatrist Dr.

Biden is Not Royalty. Neither is Democracy
July 13, 2023

Bidens problem is hes not a TV star, just a good president. What is the draw of royalty? Its much less effort than tedious democracy to just accept legitimacy being handed down from above. On this

This Supreme Court May Preemptively Ban Wealth Tax
July 11, 2023

It used to be just the far right fighting against an income tax. Now thats the Republican Party. On this show Matt Ford, staff writer for The New Republic explains a case the court soon may or may no

A Revolution in Public Power
July 07, 2023

It took a lot of persistent steady heavy lifting but New York State now has a new democratically run power authority. Instead of the traditional for-profit monopolies, the public good will determine a

It’s Costing Taxpayers Billions. “Prespond” To Effects of Climate Change.
June 29, 2023

Our infrastructure is overloaded. It already cant handle extreme weather and climate change is making it more frequent. We cant keep sweeping it under the rug. On this show Steve Ellis, president of

Righting a Century Old Wrong: Free Kurdistan From Middle East Prison
June 29, 2023

Their language is illegal where they live. They can not give their kids Kurdish names. A continuing legacy of European imperialism. Americans owe Kurds gratitude for beating ISIS in 2014. Our guest Ka

One Nation Indivisible: Oh Really?
June 20, 2023

Its not just blue vs red, North vs South. Theres us here in Yankeedom, Then theres New Netherlands, The Midlands, Tidewater, Greater Appalachia, The Deep South (of course), New France, The Far West

Trumpism: Opposite of Populism
June 15, 2023

What passes today for populism is anything but! Its astounding that the far right calls itself that when they are the total opposite. Labor historian and author Steve Babson on this show clarifies th

Seriously Radical Action To Defend the Earth
June 07, 2023

Its a tale of fiction but in his new book Altar to an Erupting Sun well known activist and author Chuck Collins tells the story of the main character Rae Kelliher who, facing her own death, makes a b