Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Sexual Assault in the Military: Foxes Guarding the Henhouse

June 04, 2021

Women in the military know they are more likely to be attacked by men of their own company than by an enemy. It’s been a long tradition that reports of sexual abuse are crushed. Commanders protecting their own reputation takes precedence over doing justice, catching and punishing perpetrators. The recent murder on Ft.Hood Texas of 20 year old Vanessa Guillen shocked the system and now there is action in the senate. Democrat Gillibrand and Republican Ernst have cosponsored what our guest Andrea Mazzarino applauds though recognizing it is still quite timid. Perhaps justice in the isolated realm of the military should more closely resemble justice in the civilian world on such serious matters. Mazzarino says there is reason for hope if we pressure our congress.