Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Keeping Democracy Alive with Burt Cohen

Latest Episodes

A Military Security State and the Erosion of Freedom
September 12, 2024

They love to say America has the strongest military of any nation ever. But boasting usually leads to disaster. On this show, we hear from William J. Astore, a retired lieutenant colonel of the US Ai

What is the 9/11 Generation?
September 10, 2024

History professor Matt Warshauer argues in his new book that the 9/11 generation is the most unique in American history, and he explains how. The title is Creating and Failing the 9/11 Generation. Thi

Evangelicals Souring on Trump: Why It Took So Long.
September 05, 2024

He got 81% of the evangelical vote in key swing states in 2016. Our guest today the Reverend Doug Pagitt is exceptionally familiar with what goes on with evangelical Christians, and he says he expects

Gen Z, Millennials and The 2024 Presidential Election
September 03, 2024

They werent there for Biden. A large chunk of young men are for Trump, but with a new presidential candidate, the Democratic Party is connecting with young people. One millennial voice is Josh Lafasa

Waving Goodbye to Neoliberalism?
August 29, 2024

It may have the word liberal in it but its anything but. Until the Biden/Harris years, the corporate wing of the Democratic Party had its deserved image of serving the richest among us. Trump under

Hawley And the Right: Terrified About Their Manhood
August 27, 2024

Now with the nomination of not just a woman, but a woman of color, they feel even more threatened. Todays right encourages and seeks to use mens anger in the culture war, even though those very pol

With Walz, Can Democrats Win Back Rural America?
August 22, 2024

Since at least 2016, the Democratic policy has been driven by big contributors, yielding rural voters to Trump who at least pretended to hear them. With Minnesota Governor Tim Walz nominated as VP for

Avi Chomsky: 21st Century Colonialism and Extractivism
August 20, 2024

Colonialism: Now its called corporate globalization. As the energy appetite of the west continues to accelerate, so does extractivism, without the consent of the people directly affected. In this re

Jails and Prisons Were a Hotbed of Covid. Needlessly.
August 15, 2024

The ideal breeding ground for the Covid virus: A place where people were forced to have constant close contact with each other and with the wider community. In other words: prisons. You know how awful

Make the Winner of the Popular Vote President
August 13, 2024

We were taught in elementary school that every vote counts in America. But as we all know the 2016 winner of the popular vote did not become president. The truth is the presidential candidates will sp