Kansas City MomCast

Kansas City MomCast

Buy Nothing 101

February 26, 2024

Have you heard of Buy Nothing groups? Buy Nothing is an international effort where "everything here is freely given and freely received, without any expectation of reward or compensation other than the joy of giving, receiving, sharing, and building a strong web of connections between people.” Consider this your Buy Nothing education and learn how to get involved in your local group!

What We’re Loving In Kansas City
Nautical Bowls
Nautical Bowls is Sarah's latest jam, which has several new locations in the KC area. She loves the protein acai bowls. These bowls are also plant-based, gluten, soy and dairy free. They are made with organic or all natural ingredients, packed with essential vitamins and nutrients to fuel your life!
Summer Camp Guide
Megan loves consulting the Kansas City Mom Collective Summer Camp Guide. It makes planning for her kids so much easier, having all these great camps in one place. Hope it can help you, too!

Connect with Megan and Sarah

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