

KBKabaret Week Thirteen Podcast

December 12, 2015

Show Notes Week 13

A Kallaballo of Variety in Parlor City
Upstate New York:  Leatherstocking Region
Show contains mostly original skits, observations, music, poetry, and even recipes
Producer, Host, and Head Writer:  Bree Harvey  Sound Engineer:  Charles Berman
Actors:  Bree Harvey, Kate Murray, Judy McMahon, Charles Berman, Pete Bowers, John Carey, John Montgomery, and Molly Murray

Musical Guest:
Producer of KBKabaret:  Bree Harvey

1.  Love By The Numbers
Written by John Montgomery
Starring:  Kate Murray, John Montgomery, John Carey

2.  Granny Ada
Episode Loser Son
Written by:  Bree Harvey
Starring:  Judy McMahon, Charles Berman

3. Chef Beulah Deshams
Episode: 12 Steps Turkey
Written by:  Bree Harvey
Starring:  Judy McMahon, Bree Harvey

4. Monte and Carey
Performed by John Carey, John Montgomery

5.  From the Memories of Samuel Hesley “Pretty Soon”
Recited by Bree Harvey

6. Original Christmas Song:  “Magic of Christmas.”
Written and sung by Bree Harvey
Song available on iTunes under Breezy Christmas and our website KBKabaret.com
Arranged by Dave Rice

7. The Real Thing
by Rosemary Piecuch
Preformed by Bree Harvey

8.  Original Christmas Song:  “Happy Times Baby”
Written and Sung by Bree Harvey
Arranged by Dave Rice
Available on iTunes and our website KBKabaret.com

9.  The Psychiatrist
written by Kate and Bill Murray
Starring:  John Carey, John Murray

10.  The Unpublished Memoir of Samuel Heasley
“ The Rain”
Recited by Bree Harvey

11.  Dysfunctionals Superboy
Written by Bree Harvey
Performed by Bree Harvey, John Montgomery

12.  Monty and Carey
Performed by John Carey and John Montgomery

13  Winter (Snow)
Written and Sung by Bree Harvey
Arranged by Dave Rice
Available on iTunes and our Website KBKabaret.com

14. This Is Our Time
Written and Sung by Bree Harvey

Sound Engineer and Announcer:  Charles Berman
Assistant Sound Engineer:  Valentine- Terrell- Monfeuga
Original Music Written By Bree Harvey
Arranged by Cristina Dinella
Special Musical Arrangements by:  David Rice Basement Recording Studios

Produced by BHH Productions L. L. C.
©2015 All Rights reserved

Looking for Submissions Musicians with Original Songs
And Writers of original short stories, comedy skits

Please send submissions for consideration to Bree.
Go to Our website: KBKabaret.com and press  “Submissions.”

Interested in Sponsoring our Show
We have over 1000 listeners per show per week and growing.