

かっこいい英語ポッドキャスト第1話 / The Cool English Podcast Episode 1 – Why Are Fidget Spinners Popular Everywhere?

September 14, 2017

Welcome to the very first episode of The Cool English Podcast!
iTunesで購読字幕を見たかったらつけるのを忘れないでください。This is the podcast for English learners who want to practice listening to natural, everyday English and learn the sounds, intonation, and rhythm of real spoken English from native speakers.これは自然な日常英会話の聞く練習をしてネイティブから本物の英語の音、イントネーション、リズムを身に付けたい英語学習者のポッドキャストです。In this episode, Anthony and I talk about fidget spinners and why they're so popular in Japan and the rest of the world.このエピソードでは、アンソニーと私はフィジェットスピナー、そして日本と世界のその他の地域でなぜそんなに人気あるかについて話します。
Here's the Transcript:
Anthony: Hey, how’s it going?Bill: Hey dude what’s up? How you been?Anthony: Not much. I’m good, I’m good. And you?Bill: I’m, I’m pretty good, yeah. So, uh. So welcome to the, uh Cool English Podcast. And uh, I guess I should introduce myself. I’m Bill.Anthony: And I’m Anthony.Bill: And you are Anthony. That’s that’s that’s uh…Anthony: I didn’t mix that one up.Bill: You didn’t mix it up yeah.Anthony: No.Bill: Alright so, uh, what’s the topic today man? What are we gonna talk about?Anthony: So, yeah that’s a good question actually, um, I think that something that I’ve noticed recently, uh, is uh, something that’s called a fidget spinner.Bill: A fidget spinner, yeah.Anthony: Have you heard of uh, of those?Bill: Yeah, yeah I have actually, uh, I’ve, uh, I’ve had some of my, uh, my kids, uh students, uh, in my kids classes have, uh, brought them in and I’ve had to, uh, you know, kinda stop them a little bit because, you know it uh, kind of is a distraction.Anthony: Yeah uh, me too I’ve uh, I’ve had a few students bring them into class and uh, that was really funny when I saw them because uh, they’re something that I first noticed on the internet, because there are a lot of memes, or uh, funny pictures on the internet in English about this new craze uh, is what we would call it.Bill: Right. Yeah I first heard about them from a friend who I uh, who lives in in the U.S. that I talk to uh, usually, actually I talk to about every week, but uh, he has a son and so he mentioned fidget spinners and I was like, what’s a fidget spinner?Anthony: Yeah it’s kind of something that you wouldn’t uh, naturally understand.Bill: Right, so um, apparently they’re very but they’re they’re they’re very popular uh, recently. Is that right? I mean. This is uh, kind of a new thing.Anthony: Yeah, it seems like I mentioned before it’s like a new craze that’s uh, taking off um, in America as well as in Japan and something that I was surprised about is that it seems to be popular uh, actually in, in many countries it’s not only something that’s that’s taking off in America, but also, I, I’ve, I’ve been seeing them at almost any shop I walk into in Japan, so I think that’s interesting, yeah.Bill: Really? Yeah I haven’t seen them much but uh, uh I don’t go shopping that much so.Anthony: You’re a bit of a hermit.Bill: Yeah but I’m sure I’m sure they’re making a killing on those.Anthony: Yeah I think they are.Bill: Yeah.Anthony: So, why do you think that fidget spinners are popular everywhere?Bill: Well I mean, they’re fun to play with.Anthony: Have you ever played with one?Bill: Yeah I played with uh, with my students’ uh, fidget spinners, and I didn’t want to give it back. I just kept spinning it and spinning it I was just, you know the whole almost the entire class went by, the whole fifty minutes and I was still spinning that thing. No, I’m just getting I’m just kidding that didn’t happen. But if I had one I would probably play with it all the time you know I probably I probably wouldn’t get any work done if I uh, if I bought a fidget spinner.Anthony: That’s a bit extreme. But um, yeah I, I don’t know, I think that um, personally I, I’m the type of person that has, that likes to fidget so fidgeting, that’s a good uh, way to introduce what fidgeting is. So fidgeting is when you have uh, energy and you, you constantly need to move so,