Kairos Moments

No Excuses! [Ep. 47]
- Dr. Jamie Morgan's new book – "Her Calling: A Woman's Guide to Fulfilling Her God-given Destiny. You can order it here!
- What to do in the waiting room of God's calling.
- Why this message is so needed right now.
- So many women are sitting on the sidelines for many different reasons: lack of support, fear, lack of mentoring, feeling unworthy, Church hurt, etc.
- The enemy wants to silence women's voices from proclaiming the Gospel.
- Living with no regrets.
- For every excuse we can come up with for not walking in the fullness of our calling, Jesus says, "I died for that!"
- The root of fear is SELF FOCUS!
- Emulating other people's ministries is not the goal. Jesus is the goal!
- "If you look at people to launch you into the ministry, God will make sure you stay in the waiting room!" (Jamie)
- "God is always building our faith muscles for our future ministries." (Jamie)
- "The place of woundedness in your life acts as a glass ceiling to answering God's call."
Dr. Jamie Morgan is an ordained minister who has been in ministry for decades as a senior pastor, teacher of the Word, evangelist, revivalist, reformer, a prophetic voice, conference speaker, podcaster, TV show host, and mentor.
She’s the author of four books, and she currently writes for “Charisma” as well as other publications around the world. Her podcast, “Fire Starter,” is part of the Charisma Podcast Network and rates in the top one percent of podcasts globally. She is also a member of America’s National Prayer Committee.
Dr. Jamie is the founder of Trailblazer Mentoring Network, a mentoring movement for women in ministry. From her many years of ministry experience, she inspires, encourages, and challenges women in ministry to walk in the fullness of their callings.
Instagram: @jamiemorganministries
Facebook: Jamie Morgan Ministries
Website: https://JamieMorgan.com
Podcast: “Fire Starter”