Kairos Moments

Your Brave Next Steps to Conquer Your Fears
- Women struggle with a lot of the same things no matter what age you are.
- Having a community of women who stick around in the good and the bad.
- Life is busy, but it’s important to find your group of intentional relationships.
- What it looks like to surrender our fears to God.
- How anxiety, needing control, and pride are connected.
- It feels so good to not have to carry the worry of the world.
- Amy discovered freedom when she was diagnosed with cancer.
- When you live with fear, you’re not really living.
- There’s so much freedom in letting go!
- What it looks like to surrender your fears to God
- The goal is not to get rid of fear completely. It’s to let the Holy Spirit tame it so it doesn’t rule our lives.
- Brave steps will always be a win!
- Book was written with the introvert in mind.
- Community is important on this journey of being emboldened.
- "You can’t know your purpose until you deal with the fear.” (Amy)
- “When you are in a mode of fear, you are less apt to listen and you certainly aren’t going to act on anything.” (Amy)
- “Fear is normal, but courage gets the final say.” (Amy)
- “Pride really plays a big factor into a woman’s fear.” (Amy)
- “Your brave step will always be a win!” (Amy)
Amy Debrucque is a wife, mom of four, cancer survivor, and co-author of “Embolden.” She is the founder of the Life On Purpose Movement and host of the Life On Purpose Podcast where she encourages women to live on purpose instead of fear. Amy loves entertaining with family and friends. A self-proclaimed "beach junkie," health nut, and chocolate lover, she loves cooking, baking, attending her kids' sporting events and getting in weekly HIIT workouts with her friend Alice. “Embolden” Book https://www.amazon.com/em-bold-en-Amy-Blair-Debrucque/dp/1735632821/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Amy+debrucque&qid=1634603665&sr=8-1 “Life on Purpose” Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/life-on-purpose-podcast-with-amy-debrucque/id1498212623 Website: www.amydebrucque.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/amydebrucque/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/surrenderyourfear