Kairos Moments

It's Time to Let That Other Dream Go!
The Bible says: "Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life" (Proverbs 13:12 NLT). We know God is not a magic genie that exists simply to fulfill our every wish, desire or longing. But I also know that sometimes when our dreams (the ones we thought God gave us) don't come to fruition, our hearts can become hardened, cold, and unbelieving because we're left hurt and disillusioned. We can't always pinpoint why those dreams never happened, but we can always trust that He knows the bigger picture. His ways are not our ways! If we aren't careful, the disappointments, delays and detours with our dreams give the enemy an open door to build strongholds of doubt and unbelief. A hard heart is not good soil to receive another dream from Him. A sick heart will cause you to:
- Second guess your ability to hear God.
- Not be able to dream again.
- Adopt a "que sera sera" attitude.
- Not pray.
- Pray safe prayers – you know the kind of prayers that if God doesn't come through, it's not that big of a deal
- Not trust God with your heart anymore