Kairos Moments

Stop Daydreaming and Start Doing
IN THIS EPISODE, WE TALK ABOUT: The difference between the pressure of a dream and a weight of a dream. We prepare and show up, the outcome is up to God. (“Pressure’s off!”) Faithful over Famous Prophetically speaking into someone’s life. How you hold the tension between AMBITION and knowing this dream is God's dream. What God’s definition of success is. Sometimes God calls you to be a dream supporter. Sanctification can be part of God’s plan for you with the dream He’s given you. Slow growth vs. instant gratification. How to know when God is asking you to quit or persevere. God’s “Divine Strategic Plan” Sometimes a “failed” dream is really God building into you what you need for the dream. Moses’ excuses with the dream God gave him. QUOTES: “Our act of obedience isn’t really in pursuit of that dream, but our act of obedience is really in pursuit of Christ.” (Jenny) “Wanting success is fine, but wanting Jesus is greater!” (Jenny) “We yearn for maturity and slam dunks even before taking our first steps.” (Jenny) “It’s not just one big dream we’re pursuing; it a bunch of little dreams that make up the one big dream of pursuing Him.” (Jenny) CONNECT w/ JENNY: Jenny Randle went from a career in the heart of Hollywood to a faith-based author, national speaker, and chart-topping podcaster. Her search for meaning in the everyday moments of life has led her to write her newest book Dream Come True, where Jenny encourages readers to dream on for the glory of God and good of others. Website: www.jennyrandle.com Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/FreedomCreatives Instagram: www.instagram.com/jenny.randle