Kairos Moments

Wrestling with God (Part 1) with Karen Harmon – REPLAY
What do you do when you are angry at, disillusioned with and disappointed in God? How do you handle that crisis of faith? My guest today, Karen Harmon, went through a major plot twist in her life, and it sent her to a really dark place.
Listen to today's episode to find out how Karen found her way through the suffering she experienced that left her questioning God.
- "You can feel all those feelings. He's strong enough to handle them. But once you release them to Him, you'll discover He really is good. He really is still for you and not against you." (Karen)
- "You can't always find your way into His presence, especially when you are dealing with so many negative emotions. You need to surround yourself with people who will take you there when you can't find your way." (Karen)
- "Praise Him for the process of going through the hardship, not necessarily for the victory that's coming." (Karen)
"I would have despaired unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living" (Psalm 27:13 NIV).
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Website: https://www.karenharmon360.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/julie.holmquist1
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Website: https://www.StuffofHeaven.com
RESOURCE: Do you wonder if the dream you feel like God's put in your heart is actually from Him? Do you question your ability to know if it's the right dream for you to steward? I've created a resource for you – "7 Ways to Know if Your Dream is From God or Not"
By answering these seven questions, you'll have the needed confidence to pursue the RIGHT DREAM at the RIGHT TIME!