Kaijuvision Radio

Kaijuvision Radio

G-Fest XXV (2018): Daniel DiManna Interview

August 08, 2018

I must say this interview is an immensely impressive accomplishment of film appreciation! At G-Fest XXV, Brian and Nate recorded an interview with Daniel DiManna of the Godzilla Novelization Project. His goal is to complete novelizations of every Japanese Godzilla movie. We discuss putting oneself in the minds of the many great characters in the movies, which films will be the most challenging to novelize, and what other challenges emerge when undertaking this long-term project. We had an enjoyable time and you will too when you listen to this. Visit the Godzilla Novelization Project here: http://godzillanovelizationproject.wordpress.com/ For the video version of our podcast, check out our YouTube channel. We'd like to send a shout-out to our patron Sean Stiff for pledging at the Kaiju Visionary level. Thank you for your support! We really appreciate it. Host: Brian Scherschel Co-Host: Nathan Marchand Editor: Brian Scherschel Video: Brian Scherschel Music: Audiophiliac (http://www.fiverr.com/audiophiliac) Copyright Brian J. Scherschel All Rights Reserved