JW's Financial Coaching Podcast

JW's Financial Coaching Podcast

JW’s Financial Coaching Podcast Lesson #71-”The Disease of More”

March 16, 2014
  • How the “Disease of More†applies to our finances
  • Why we think we’ll be content with “just a little bit moreâ€
  • Is it wrong to want more?
  • The fine line between being content and achievement
  • Why an emergency fund is more about comfort and not about the math

“Success is often the first step toward disaster.â€

Hall of Fame NBA coach Pat Riley wrote that in his book Showtime.
He coined it the “Disease of More.†It came from what he observed from
his teams after they won the NBA championship. The year after winning
the title it was a natural tendency for the players to stop focusing on
what it took to win the championship. Instead they focused on individual
fame, scoring more points individually, and making more money.

concept of the “Disease of More†applies to our finances as well. It
can happen whenever we make a purchase, no matter how big or small. We
are content with it for a while, but eventually we want something newer,
nicer, or bigger and we tell ourselves that once we get whatever it is
we desire we’ll be happy. But it doesn’t work like that because someone
will always have a nicer home, car, kitchen, newest gadget, etc., than
the one we have.

we fall victim to the “Disease of More†we become obsessed with
whatever we desire and it is all we can think about. That object then
becomes our idol, an idol that we can never satisfy.

this make it wrong to want more? Not necessarily. Working hard and
saving up to buy something isn’t necessarily bad in and of itself.
Having a want can be a good thing. But your self-worth should not be
wrapped up in whether or not you get it. If it is then ultimately you
will never be fulfilled because you will always want more and more.

The “Disease of More†is similar to the lifestyle inflation trap
in some ways, but in other ways it is completely different. The
“Disease of More†is an all out, endless effort to accumulate and
achieve more and more. It is very dangerous for not only your finances
but your spiritual state as well. Ultimately you will never find peace
and contentment until you are first appreciative of what you have.

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You can find prior editions of the podcast at the podcast archive page.

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