JW's Financial Coaching Podcast

JW's Financial Coaching Podcast

JW’s Financial Coaching Podcast Lesson #61-2013 Review and looking ahead to 2014!

January 08, 2014

Highlights of today’s show:

  • Your 2013 year in review
  • What was the best thing you did with your finances in 2013?
  • What one thing are you looking forward to doing in 2014 with your finances?
  • Do you have a plan for 2014?
  • The What, Why, and How of goal setting

is one of my favorite shows to do each year. Not because I have a great
guest on or it is me talking about some profound topic, it is because
this show is all about YOU. I asked you to answer the following two

What’s the best thing you’ve done with your finances this year?

What one thing are you looking forward to doing in 2014 with your finances?

We got a variety of answers from different people. Thank you so much to all those who participated, including Meg of Sparing Change and Josh Brown of Mr. Joshua Brown.

goal of this show is to inspire you to make 2014 your year. Do you have
a plan for 2014? If not, it is never to late to make one. Below are
other shows and blogs on goal setting:

is important to be intentional and spend time developing your goals
because that is the only way I have found goals to come to fruition.
Remember with goals to include the what, why, and how and make sure to
remember that your goals are a long term thing. You have 365 days to
accomplish them. They won’t happen overnight.

You can subscribe to future podcasts through Feedburner, Stitcher SmartRadio, or iTunes. Or you may listen to the podcast on the JW’s Financial Coaching Facebook Fan page. In
addition, if you have enjoyed the show for a while now, please leave a
review of the podcast on iTunes. For a step by step video of how that
works, please watch this video on how to leave a review in iTunes.

you have any comments, questions, or ideas for future shows you can
send them to me and I will integrate them into a future show. There are
two ways to get in touch with me: 1.) Email me at JWFinancialcoaching@gmail.com -
Please put “podcast†in the subject line and keep your questions brief
so they are readable on air. 2.) Simply fill out the form on the contact page. Please fill out your name, email, and your question/comment/suggestion and we will read it on air.

You can find prior editions of the podcast at the podcast archive page.

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