The JuvoHub Podcast

The JuvoHub Podcast

Creating Your Super Fantastic Process

July 21, 2021

Episode 33

Are you ready to find your fantastic process? Gary Gregory from Steadfast Living joins us to discuss how each and every one of us can achieve our goals both personally and professionally by finding our fantastic process.

Host(s): Jonathan Saar from Market Me Social and Mark Howell from Howl Creative Concepts

Our Special Guest: Gary Gregory from Steadfast Living

Gary Gregory has over 20 years of experience in both student and multi-family housing. Currently, his path has led him to the position of Director of Operational Initiatives at Steadfast Living. His personal drive has led to many personal accomplishments from a sponsored triathlete to a best-selling author of two books, The Super Fantastic Principles, and The Super Fantastic Process. His love for self-awareness and improvement is both genuine and contagious.

Show Highlights

Buckle up for this mind-expanding episode! Gary helps us get to the heart of success and throws down significant truths on how we all can unknowingly sabotage our personal and professional growth and shares insights on how we need to better ourselves to be better leaders.

Key Questions/Topics Covered

How has your career path evolved over the years?

My first taste of the housing industry was as a resident advisor at university. From there, I moved into the private sector of student housing. While it was an unbelievable amount of work, it was incredibly fulfilling to watch students grow. After a number of years working in this aspect of the industry, I decided it was time for a change and accepted a position as a community manager in a multi-family community. As I continued to grow personally, it led to growth professionally and has led me to where I am today as Director of Operational Initiatives at Steadfast Living. Self-awareness is what gave me (and can help you) the ability to figure out what I needed to do to get to the next level.

What led to you becoming an author?

Believe it or not, I was actually told by my English professor back in university that I was a terrible writer. But I am always looking for a new challenge, and some of the things I try to get added to my “bucket list,” and they grow from there. I had a lot of knowledge and experiences I wanted to share and started with posting on LinkedIn. That grew into writing articles. I asked myself during the process, “How far can I go? How far can I push it?” The answer was becoming a best-selling author.

Moments of doubt that were not allowed to hinder achievements.

It is easy to look at our lives and say, “I am too busy to do anything else.” I get it. I am a husband, father, and I work full-time. I had to really look at how I was spending my time. My choices could either help me reach my goals or hinder them. After you figure out the “why” in your goal, eliminate the fluff to figure out how you are going to do it.