
Latest Episodes
17 Going Mainstream – Giovanni’s TV Debut
We expand upon and review the ABC27 News recent television piece on Pennsylvania juvenile lifers’ resentencing and possible release following a January Supreme Court ruling, for which Giovanni Reid was interviewed by the channel’s anchor,
16 Fifty Shades of Blackness
We examine what “Witness Monday” said about the physical attributes, the skin-tones and heights, of the three black boys she claimed had all been involved in the Philadelphia shooting of white pre-med student, Robert Janke, in August 1991.
15 New & Noteworthy – Call to Action
A Call to Action from this new, 2-month-old podcast, noteworthy for being the only podcast devoted solely to children, youth and criminal justice. Zoe gives a brief overview of what the podcast is about, announces a new,
14 Juvenile Justice News Roundup
Thank you to our supporters via Patreon and our website Donate button! Trial date set for Virginia’s lunchtime milk grabber; Juvenile Law Center examines “debtors’ prison for kids”; DC and California support laws promoting rehabilitation over incarcera...
13 Always, Giovanni – Letter from Giovanni Reid
An incarcerated podcast listener, a scuppered prison visit, inappropriate attire, and some lifer literature. We relate some of the logistics and drawbacks of visiting the incarcerated. Meanwhile, Giovanni Reid continues to keep up with our coverage of ...
12 White Uniform in the Wind – Witness Monday
We get down to re-examining the evidence in the case that, 25 years ago, put 16-year-old Giovanni Reid in prison – where he still is. The star witness, who did not come forward with other witnesses immediately after the Saturday dawn shooting,
11 Youth Justice Awareness Month – Marcy Mistrett Interview
A summons to Action in spreading Awareness about juvenile justice! Did you know that in the United States, children who commit crimes, whatever their age, start out automatically in the adult criminal justice system,
10 Juvenile Justice News Roundup
News about our upcoming trip to Pennsylvania; Adnan Syed amicus brief; juvenile justice reform bills and policy platforms Intro: Jeffrey Deskovic Music: Chameleon Catholics – Crayon Thesis Sources: Business Insider; Juvenile Justice information Exchang...
9 Going South – Witnesses
What observations in the dawn hours of Saturday, August 10th 1991, resulted in 16-year-old Giovanni Reid being arrested, tried as an adult a year and a half later, and being given a Life sentence? We hear the prompt reports of people who were within tw...
8 Cordless and Empowered – Tyrone Jones
We talk to Tyrone Jones, speaking on a cordless phone, sitting in the backyard of his new home in Chester County PA, 11 days after his release from 43 years in a Pennsylvania prison. Cordless phones, cell phones, the internet,