The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

Just OK Gamers Podcast 139 – Bon Jovi and Poppy Lore

December 03, 2015

This week on Just OK Gamers, we've studied the new Poppy Lore tirelessly and bring you our in-depth analysis. We also talk about other League of Legends topics like Bon Jovi, Batman vs. Superman, Yellowstar leaving Fnatic, Quas retiring, Gravity being sold (to Gweedo) and Gweedo's Community Mixtape! In General Gaming news, Virtual Reality theme parks? That sounds like Virtual Insanity to me! Also Terraria is coming to the 3DS! Neato. Then lots of Voicemoyles. So many. Thanks to our listener of the week, "Noodlepot"!

Be sure to check out the new League Community Mixtape made by Gweedo!

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