The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

Episode 110 of Just OK Gamers Podcast

May 19, 2015

On this week’s episode of Just OK Gamers, there's just been so much going on in this past full week that I don't know if we'll get to it all! More drama with CLG? A new-fangled replay system? And SO much more in League News! In Goodness Gracious, I mean - General Gaming, Microsoft is disabling their customers consoles? And what games are just too difficult for our stupid brains to learn? It's been a crazy week. Thanks for hanging out with us! Don't forget to tune in to our broadcast this Saturday to see us podcastin' Live! We'll have more details posted on Twitter and Facebook and Reddit on the weekend. Thanks to our Listener of the Week, "NeverGoFullTeemo"!

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