The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

Episode 84 of Just OK Gamers

November 07, 2014

On this week’s episode of Just OK Gamers, Milpool apologizes for his behavior during last week’s episode. We also talk about the new champ. Kalista (Flockheart). And Nasty gives us the patch notes in a staggering 30 seconds! (May not include all patch notes.) In General Gaming, we talk BlizzCon and a potential new Blizzard IP as well as our thoughts on Evolve (A-volve?). Gweedo has a special treat prepared for our brand new trivia game, “High/Low”, and we have a small stockpile of Voicemoyles to get through. This is our longest episode yet! Thanks to our listener of the week, neuroplastique!


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