The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

The Just OK Show - A Podcast Where Listeners are the Co-Hosts

Episode 59 of Just OK Gamers Podcast

May 08, 2014

On this week’s episode, we are changing up our format a little bit. But not too much! We’re trying to shore up our League segment a bit, but there was a lot happening in League news. Ch-ch-ch-ch- Changes. Team roster changes all over the place. Also, Nasty runs down Patch 4.7 for us, and we talk a little bit about Curse Voice. In General Gaming, Gweedo’s excited about the new Star Wars Battlefront, Unreal Tournament is going free, and we have been playing Minecraft and Dark Souls II. We listen to some very thoughtful listener voicemails, and play some Circlejerk Reviews!

Next week we will be at a LAN party together, and will be recording our third Boner Ep. So look out for that, it should be happening on Saturday, May the 17th. We will be streaming, drinking and interacting with our viewers/listeners!

Leave us a voicemail! Call 1-615-763-JOKG, that’s 1-615-763-5654.

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We also have a chat channel in the League of Legends client. Add “Just OK Gamers” to your chat list and play with the guys and other listeners.

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