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Just Watched

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Ep: 7 Game of Thrones "The Iron Throne" & Barry "berkman >block"
May 28, 2019

Hey guys were breaking down and saying goodbye to this beloved show, after eight years Game of Thrones has come to an end. We go through scene by scene of the series finale of one our favorite shows. Oh and we actually had time to talk about the season tw

Ep, 6 Rupaul Drag Race/Dead To Me
May 22, 2019

This episode we dive right into Rupaul Drag Race the episode before the crowning, we also give our review on the pilot episode of Dead To Me a new Netflix original. 

Ep.5 Game Of Thrones "The Bells"
May 14, 2019

This week we review episode 5 of Game of Thrones titled "The Bells". DRACARYS! wow this episode was explosive to say the least, we pick apart every emotional scenes that played out & go through all our beloved character deaths. After this episode so m

Ep.4 Rupaul Dragrace s.11 ep11
May 12, 2019

In our mid-week podcast we're kiki'n with our special guest josh about Rupaul Dragrace episode titled "Bring back my queens". The ladies had to makeover former eliminated queens for this weeks runway. We breakdown all this weeks looks while keeping up all

Ep.3 week of 5/5/2019
May 06, 2019

This episode we recap Ep.3 of Game of Thrones titled  "The Last Stark". We go through this very detailed and integrated episode. Breakdown some of our favorite scenes plus share some fan theories of our own.  So lets dive in and recap what we "J

Episode 02 : Game of thrones the final season episode “A knight of seven kingdoms”
April 24, 2019

Wow guys this podcast is a little all over the place today be we manage to get through the best parts that happened in GOT. Hear some of our predictions for next weeks episode we might be on to something. Special guest Stevie my brother. Enjoy!

Episode: 01
April 18, 2019

Winter is finally here! Game of thrones season premiere review & Rupauls drag race - see who went home this week. This is Just Watched where we review & podcast what we literally just watched.