Just Sustainability

Just Sustainability

Just Sustainability, Episode 18A: Meeting Emily Brier

September 23, 2022

There are at least two things about Emily Brier that would be of interest to listeners of this podcast. First, she’s innovative educator that has thought a lot about and built her courses around inclusive, accessible, and socially just pedagogy. Second, she’s a poet who writes about the relationships between food, women, and Queerness in Appalachia (she’s also done a lot of work with the Appalachian Studies Association).

I first became familiar with Emily after a colleague sent me a copy of her article in SPECTRA (linked below) about pedagogy in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. That article was so good that it led me down a rabbit hole of trying to track down everything Emily has written. Through that process I learned that she has a Twitter account (also linked below and which you should peruse) that is a treasure trove of insights about equity within higher-education.

Though I’ve only been familiar with Emily for the past year or so, things that I’ve learned from her have led me to substantially rethink how I approach teaching and education in general. So, it’s my distinct pleasure to share my conversation with her.

Links: https://www.emilybrier.com/ https://www.wcu.edu/faculty/ebrier.aspx https://spectrajournal.org/articles/10.21061/spectra.v8i2.180/ https://www.appalachianstudies.org/ https://twitter.com/Emily_Brier_