Just Sustainability

Just Sustainability, Episode 31B: Michelle Garvey on vulnerability, openness, and transforming the academy
On this episode of Just Sustainability we return to Michelle Garvey who told me about how vulnerability and openness to learn are both deeply important for reforming the way we approach higher-education in order to make our institutions more accessible and better structured to serve our students.
Dr. Michelle Garvey is an Institute on the Environment Educator. She previously served as the Director of the Higher Education Consortium for Urban Affairs (HECUA) as well as the Internship Coordinator for Minnesota Transform (MNT). She is a community organizer, a climate and sustainability educator, and a scholar who works to promote environmental justice.
- https://environment.umn.edu/news/ej-stories-michelle-garvey-supports-changemaking/
- https://environment.umn.edu/news/ione-educator-spotlight-dr-michelle-garvey/
- https://minnesotatransform.com/about-us
- https://mndaily.com/281407/campus-administration/umn-community-addresses-regional-environmental-injustice-through-new-assistance-center/
- https://climategen.org/blog/climate-justice-education-from-the-capitol-to-the-classroom/
- https://www.existentialtoolkit.com/