Just Education Podcast: Mentorships in Education

Just Education Podcast: Mentorships in Education

Latest Episodes

Super Heroes Don't Always Wear Capes-what is justice, really?
October 17, 2023

Tom Synan, Police Chief in the Cincinnati, Ohio, metropolitan area, is trying to change the approach when working with addiction. Follow him through his insightful journey and his innovative, data driven approach to working with addicts. Listen to him s

Wrap around Justice: a more effective and compassionate approach
May 25, 2023

Police are at the forefront of our news today. And for good, well, not so good, reasons. We have a lot of work to do to address the cancer that has been left for so long to fester. As I looked into supporting kids who are not in our educational system

We are a Complex People
February 11, 2023

Not every child who needs support has been identified with a label and a supporting plan. Some kids find it difficult to assimilate into the predominantly white culture of school whether their schools are predominantly white or not. We don't recognize

Autism and the Islets of Normalcy
May 08, 2022

Often we conflate a child to a diagnosis. We look at the characteristics of the diagnosis and we expect the child in question to resemble that summary. We forget that not only is each child unique, but each child has strengths that overflow the summary of

The Mentor Who Empowers
March 16, 2022

We always find someone who is willing to tell us what we are doing wrong with our kids. Often it is followed by what we need to do: build a relationship, open lines of communication, set boundaries. But few resources tell us HOW we are to do it. Listen to

Developing Originals using love as an action word
February 22, 2022

In the contentious society in which we live, our children need to be comfortable in their uniqueness. How can we help them feel secure, loved and accepted? Is telling them we love them going to be enough?Listen as we discuss this and continue in coming po

Episode 48 - The Path to Hyper Healing
December 22, 2021

As parents and teachers, we are always trying to connect with our kids while trying to maintain an image of authority and confidence. Sometimes we vacillate as we try different approaches to see what works. Avigail's wisdom in working with kids with

The Power of Choice.
November 23, 2021

Life is a matter of choices and every choice you make, makes you. This is a quote by John Maxwell and is the foundation of the book, The Power of Choice by Claude Larson. Learn how she builds connections with her students and develops their awareness of s

The Entrepreneurial side to the Dyslexic
November 16, 2021

Dyslexia is a diagnosis that often brings confusion, trepidation and in some cases, sadness, to parents and children. But, when we look further, we find that some of the most creative, successful and interesting people were/are Dyslexic.Mentorships in Edu

A New Perspective of Independent Living
July 26, 2021

Join me in a discussion with J. David Hall when we introduce his globally recognized Neuro Guides and their approach to coaching neuro-divergent youth and corporations as they intersect in the workforce.Mentorships in Education is brought to you by Just E