Just Being Candid

Just Being Candid

Latest Episodes

Getting Your LLC
January 24, 2019

This episode is on how to obtain your LLC. *Please seek legal advice to determine the right business structure for you. I am not a lawyer or your business advisor.

Transitioning to entrepreneurship
January 24, 2019

Before you decide to quit your job in order to start a business, you should listen to a few suggestions.

Candid Nicole talks to Ash Cash the financial expert
January 24, 2019

Candid Nicole is a business consultant and entrepreneurship instructor. On this episode, she sits down with bestselling author, financial expert, and well known public speaker Ash Cash.

Bad habits almost became my downfall
January 09, 2019

Today's quick thought I wanted to discuss a bad habit that was killing my success. 

Are you challenging yourself?
January 09, 2019

Today's quick thought is about challenging yourself.  What's the point of putting limits to your success?  Enjoy my quick thought on way challenging yourself is important.

Confidence is a must
January 09, 2019

Most people don't admit to lack of confidence. Every week I teach an entrepreneur seminar to many inspiring entrepreneurs just to learn they all have one thing in common... They don't start the business because of fear and little confidence themselves.  .