Juice & The Sauce Podcast

Juice & The Sauce Podcast

S02E02: Nastassja Lusengo Talks On Finding Your Creative Voice, Before Building Brand (Part 1 of 2)

October 09, 2020

- Tracking Amazon Prime Day discounts with Camel Camel Camel
- The 10 pm curfew Experience

Main Course:
To kick-off our new food business season, we interview our very own Nastassja Lusengo, the creative director, entrepreneur and sugarcraft specialist behind The Indulgent Sugar Plum, a concept bakery that creates cakes that inspire conversation, special moments and memories.

Main points of discussion:

- An introduction to Nastassja Lusengo
- Nastassja talks about her fashion design background
- How Nastassja got her first orders
- Dealing with glass ceilings in the workplace
- The importance of 'doing'
- How Nastassja learnt to bake
- Caster sugar Vs granulated sugar
- Butter vs margarine
- How Nastassja funded her business
- How Nastassja balances so many ideas as an entrepreneur

Key points you will learn
- How to start as a baker
- The importance of establishing an identity
- Why you should find your voice, then build your brand

Links and resources mentioned
- camelcamelcamel.com

For more from Nastassja Lusengo, visit https://www.instagram.com/ms_sugar_plum/ on Instagram