

Latest Episodes

JudgeCast #261 – Adventures in the Forgotten Realms Release Notes
July 23, 2021

Join Bryan and Samma on this tour up and down the Sword Coast as we pull up a chair at the Yawning Portal and talk about the new set over a mug of Shadowdark Ale. Behold the new mechanics as … Continu

JudgeCast #260 – Dice, Dice, Baby
July 10, 2021

Hello and Welcome to JudgeCast. In this episode Bryan and Samma tackle the very serious, multi-faceted issue of which icosahedrons should be your icosahedron of choice when playing MTG Adventures in t

JudgeCast #259 – Running A Prerelease
June 26, 2021

Events are starting to happen again and the pre-releases keep coming. In this episode Bryan and Samma talk about things to do before and during a Pre-Release to keep your players happy. We also talk a

JudgeCast #258 – Modern Horizons 2 Release Notes
June 11, 2021

In this supersized episode Bryan and Samma dig deep on the rules and mechanics of several Modern Horizon 2 Cards. If you want to know how Urza’s Saga makes various Modern Decks better, go somewhere el

JudgeCast #253 M21 Release Notes and Special Guest
July 01, 2020

In this episode Bryan and Jacob are joined by former JudgeCast host Jess Dunks to go over cards of interest from M21 as well as talk about how wildly inconsistent P/T of whales are in relation to their size. Catch … Continue reading →

JudgeCast #252 – Digital Policy Docs and Bannings
June 24, 2020

Better late than never: In this episode Bryan and Jacob discuss the the recent WOTC bannings, companion rules change, and give first muddled impressions of the new Digital MTR and Digital IPG Banning and Companion Rules Change – https://magic.wizards.

JudgeCast #251 Small Bites
June 08, 2020

In this episode Bryan and Jacob discuss a bevy of topics too small for their own episode. We discuss the ins and outs of the Multiplayer format Grand Melee, as well as the Notes Policy, Mana, and Proxies.

Judgecast #250 – GPHJ Investigations with Kevin Desprez
May 18, 2020

In this episode Bryan and Jacob sit down with GPHJ Kevin Desprez and talk about Investigations from a GPHJ perspective. We talk about what information HJs want to know from floor judges, as well as tips and tricks used during … Continue reading →

Judgecast #249 – Ikoria Rules and Policy Update
May 03, 2020

In this episode Bryan and Jacob talk about the policy impacts of Companion, as well as go into more detail than you probably wanted on the rules updates with Ikoria. Were you aware that Sharks are no longer fish? Oops. … Continue reading →

Judgecast #248 – Ikoria Release Notes
April 18, 2020

In the behemoth of an episode Bryan and Jacob discuss the ins and outs of Ikoria. And as long as you are not desperate to hear about how Companion works in subgames or Karn restarts (you’ll have to wait for … Continue reading →