

JudgeCast #80 - JudgeCast of the Week

November 28, 2013

On this episode we have very special guest John Temple on to talk about the Judge of the Week project. In a shocking twist, we’ve been nominated Judge of the Week and so John interviews us about JudgeCast’s past, present, and future!

Judge of the Week: http://blogs.magicjudges.org/jotw/

We also announce our build-a-bear contest winners! The winners and their winning submissions can be found below:

Hideaway Cub by Jeff Simmers

Bear Cubling by Phil Miller


Bear Cubmander by Tim Sargent


Thanks to everyone for all the great entries! All entries can be found here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.644870622202765.1073741825.105788072777692&type=1