

JudgeCast #64 - Jolly Good Dragon’s Maze FAQ Pip Pip

April 24, 2013

In this JudgeCast SPECIAL (Meaning it’s a bonus episode), we cover the FAQ for Dragon’s Maze. We also go in-depth on split cards as they can be a bit of a tricky widget.

Jess couldn’t make this episode so we have very special guest L2 Adam Hubble on to bring some much-needed British/Mississippi class to the show. Maybe now we can finally win a Grammy.

Links from the show:

New JAR: http://www.wizards.com/ContentResources/Wizards/WPN/Main/Documents/Magic_The_Gathering_Judging_at_Regular_REL_PDF1.pdf

FAQ: http://www.wizards.com/magic/magazine/article.aspx?x=mtg/faq/dgm&dcmp=ilc-mtgrss#86140

All other documents: thedci.org/docs