JTS Torah Commentary

Latest Episodes
The Give and Take of Strength: Pekudei 5785
The JTS Commentary for Pekudei by Rabbi Eliezer Diamond, Rabbi Judah Nadich Professor of Talmud and Rabbinics, JTSThis commentary was originally broadcast in 2018.Music provided by JJReinhold / Po
Sacred Gifts and the Holiness of Diversity: Vayak-hel 5785
The JTS Commentary for Vayak-hel by Rabbi Ayelet Cohen, Pearl Resnick Dean of the Rabbinical School and Dean of the Division of Religious Leadership, JTSMusic provided by JJReinhold / Pond5
The Day is Short, but Our Story is Long: Ki Tissa 5785
The JTS Commentary for Ki Tissa by Dr. Yael Landman, Assistant Professor of Bible, JTSMusic provided by JJReinhold / Pond5
Remembering Who We Are: Shabbat Zakhor 5785
The JTS Commentary for Tetzavveh / Shabbat Zakhor by Rabbi Gordon Tucker, Vice Chancellor for Religious Life and Engagement, JTSMusic provided by JJReinhold / Pond5
The Golden Crown of Parenting: Terumah 5785
The JTS Commentary for Terumah by Rabbi Lilly Kaufman (RS 01, CS 98)This commentary was originally broadcast in 2020.Music provided by JJReinhold / Pond5
Don’t Be the Terumah: Mishpatim 5785
The JTS Commentary for Mishpatim by Rabbi Stephanie Ruskay, Associate Dean of the Rabbinical School and Executive Director of the Hendel Center for Ethics and Justice, JTSMusic provided by JJReinho
The Confusion of Revelation: Yitro 5785
The JTS Commentary for Yitro by Dr. Barry Holtz, Theodore and Florence Baumritter Professor of Jewish Education, JTSThis episode was originally broadcast in 2019.Music provided by JJReinhold / Po
Aggressor and Aggrieved: Beshallah 5785
The JTS Commentary for Beshallah by Dr. Phil Keisman, Director of Teen Education, JTSMusic provided by JJReinhold / Pond5
The Worst Possible Plague: Bo 5785
The JTS Commentary for Bo by Rebecca Galin, Student, The Rabbinical School of JTSMusic provided by JJReinhold / Pond5
Moses’s Lessons in Interfaith Dialogue: Va'era 5785
The JTS Commentary for Va'era by Claire Davidson Bruder, Student, The Rabbinical School of JTS, and Sherouk Ahmed, Student, Bayan Islamic Graduate School at Chicago Theological SeminaryIn the first