The J.R. Hoeft Show

The J.R. Hoeft Show

Victoria Cobb – Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Explained

January 17, 2019

Nearly 100 years ago, Alice Paul sought to ensure that women were granted equality under the law. Her vision of what that meant and what it means today is profoundly different, yet Virginia is on the cusp of being the last state to ratify an Equal Rights Amendment via legislation before the General Assembly.

But which amendment is it? What does it actually do? Who is it going to affect? What are the legal concerns?

Returning to the podcast to explain it all is Victoria Cobb, President of The Family Foundation.

To get an idea about how Victoria feels about the ERA, read her statement released after the state Senate passed the resolution:

“At a time when families are facing serious issues in the commonwealth, the Senate has wasted time debating and voting on a vague, irresponsible, and outdated resolution. The so-called ERA is a dead resolution that, if shoehorned into the US Constitution despite being legally invalid, harms women. Polling shows that a majority of Virginians oppose this resolution when they are informed about the impact it will have on taxpayer funding of abortion. Women deserve better than this patently political proposal.”

Also check out her latest op-ed co-authored with Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List, in The Roanoke Times.