GreenPath Real Stories

Latest Episodes
Real Stories Ep 59: Dreams to Dollars: Dr. Darla Bishop
From dreams to dollars: Dr. Darla Bishops journey of resilience, financial literacy, and empowering money insights.
Real Stories Ep 58: Tyjai Turns the Tables on Debt
Tyjai shares how he tackled debt, rebuilt his budget, and inspires others to take control in Real $tories Episode 58.
Real Stories Ep 57: Mind Over Money: Crystal L. Gunn on Financial Healing
Financial strategist Crystal L. Gunn shares insights on transforming money mindsets and healing financial traumas.
Real Stories Ep 56: Juan’s Second Act
In Episode 56, Juan shares his journey from aspiring actor to financial coach, offering valuable money tips and insights.
Real Stories Ep 55: Turning the Tide: Ben’s Financial Comeback
Ben's journey from debt to financial stability: a story of struggle, lessons, and hope in Episode 55 of Real $tories.
Real Stories Ep 54: Real $tories Live! Exploring the Link between Mental and Financial Health
Join Real $tories Live! Episode 54 to explore the vital link between mental and financial health with expert panelists.
Real Stories Episode 18 – Real Stories Live: Family Lessons About Money
Today’s episode features a lively discussion about raising financially healthy kids. You’ll have the chance to hear different perspectives from our panel of GreenPath clients and friends who are inspi
Real Stories Episode 18 – Natasha’s Experiences Inspire Her to Connect People to Financial Wellness
Natasha was newly divorced with a young child and needed to return to the workforce. She struggled to pay her debts. After getting back on her feet, she started working for a credit union that allowed
Real Stories Episode 17 – Liz Uses Vulnerability to Transform Her Mindset
For Liz, credit cards presented an opportunity to support the lifestyle she wanted. But as she first entered the working world after college, this lifestyle contributed to an increasing debt load. Eve
Real Stories Episode 16 – Lauren – Persistence One Penny at a Time
It’s easy to look at Lauren’s finances today and take her success for granted. - She communicates openly with her husband and they work in tandem towards their shared goals. She partners with GreenPath to manage her household bills.