Jonathans Verdicts

Jonathans Verdicts

Democrats Ignore People With Disabilities

March 16, 2019


Welcome to Jonathan's Verdicts. I'm Jonathan Simeone. The title of this episode is: Democrats Ignore People With Disabilities: The verdict for this episode is: no Democratic candidate for president talks about people with disabilities.

I have seen most of every town hall candidates have done on television, I haven't seen them asked one question about people with disabilities. I haven't seen one candidate include people with disabilities in a single answer.

While the candidates trumpet the diversity of their staffs, I note they never discuss staffers with disabilities.

The House resolution condemning hatred against every group Congress could imagine condemning acts of hatred against, didn't include people with disabilities. Articles about the increase in diversity of Congressional staff positions, don't include people with disabilities being hired to work in Congress.

The Democratic Candidates and the Democratic Party are so diverse and supposedly commited to diversity that their dismissal and rejection of people with disabilities is noteworthy. Sadly, it won't be noted by anyone who doesn't have a disability.

Thank you for listening to this episode of Jonathan's Verdicts. I will be back next weekend with another episode.