John Anderson: Conversations

Aidan Morrison, Director – Energy Program, C.I.S.
Join John and leading energy researcher Aidan Morrison as they outline why nuclear power should be at the centre of Australia’s energy strategy. Aidan argues that modern nuclear technology is safe, and superior to renewables in terms of its reliability and cost. The discussion illuminates the misinformation which has characterised Australia's energy debate, calling for a shake-up in energy governance in order to ensure that policies are based on engineering and economic realities rather than distorted political narratives.
Aidan also debunks the popular belief that Australia’s vast land and abundant sunshine make it uniquely suited for a wind and solar-powered grid, pointing out that these energy sources require massive infrastructure investments to be reliable. He suggests that ideological opposition and entrenched interests have prevented a rational discussion on nuclear power, despite its potential to provide affordable, clean, and secure energy.
Aidan Morrison is a leading researcher into Energy Systems and currently the Director of Energy Research at the Centre for Independent Studies. In 2023 he exposed how the famous CSIRO report “GenCost” excluded vast costs required to integrate and firm renewables by treating them as “sunk” costs. In 2024 he was amongst the strongest voices calling for nuclear energy in Australia and was a leading critic of the ‘Integrated System Plan’ (or ISP): Australia’s blue-print for a transition to an energy system dominated by wind and solar. Following the conclusion of a recent Senate Inquiry into Australia’s energy planning and regulation, Aidan reached the conclusion that the ISP is “worse than useless” and declared that trust in Australia energy establishment is now so badly broken that a series of resignations will be required to restore the credibility and respect that regulatory organisations required to administer the energy system.