JMVO Weekly Primer

JMVO Weekly Primer

Exit Strategies :: Beginning with the End in Mind - JMVO Weekly Primer Ep 47 w Todd Jackson

June 13, 2019

If you were to start a business tomorrow, what questions would you have?

That’s the question I asked on my Facebook page a few days before I recorded this podcast. The answers ranged from marketing to funding.

Todd Jackson is a business Attorney and broker. Over the past 27 years, his superpower has been setting up business owners for their exit.

You see, what a lot of us who venture out to start a business don’t realize is that there may come a day where we may want to get out of it and cash in. It’s at that point we find out the difference between what we think it’s worth versus the what an interested buyer thinks it’s worth.

Todd gets to have those hard conversations all the time. That’s why it’d be best for your business to get someone like Todd involved early!

As always, the JMVO Weekly Primer is sponsored by Big Dot Lighting - Commercial LED Lighting Specialists. Cap-ex or Op-ex, we have a plan to help you convert your business, warehouse, plant, apartment complex or birdhhouse to LED lighting. Check out the L.a.M.P. plan.

Plus, we're a full service electrical company too! Big Dot Electrical, LLC

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