Bushnell Unscripted

Bushnell Unscripted

Nice to Meet You Podcast – BUEP1

June 13, 2014

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Guess who has a podcast show? This girl. This first episode is short, but if all goes well, future episodes will be thirty minutes in length. You will be able to subscribe to them in various platforms, including iTunes.

I think you’ll be surprised at what you learn about me, and I’m already planning my future episodes. What are you waiting for? Just hit play and listen!

[typography font=”Smythe” size=”24″ size_format=”px”]Show Notes: Nice to Meet You Podcast – BUEP1[/typography]

Welcome to the Bushnell Unscripted Podcast! I’m Jeannie Bushnell, and this is Episode Number One: Nice To Meet You. This premiere episode gives me a chance to introduce myself to you and share a little bit about my background, my current work, and what I have planned for future episodes.

I’m excited to begin podcasting, because it is allows me to use my experience in broadcast communications. As a little girl, I wanted to be a writer, and when I entered middle school, I was drawn to journalism and the idea of becoming a news anchor.

I did complete an internship at WDBJ-7 in Roanoke, Virginia. In college, I combined my two interests and chose to double major in English and broadcast communications. My hero was Walter Cronkite. The face of news was changing, and as hard news took a back seat to entertainment and opinion-based news, I focused on rhetoric and liberal studies.

As a teenager, I worked at McDonald’s. When I ran the drive-thru window, I used that time to practice enunciation. It was a great exercise. I’m from Texas, and while I don’t think I’ve ever had a very heavy accent, I was instructed to become as vanilla as possible so that I could be hired in any region. I know this is very different today, as it’s common to find someone with a distinct southern drawl reporting the news in New York.

When I went to school, we were encouraged to strip all regional dialects from our voices. It isn’t something that I actively control or regulate now; what you hear is my normal speaking voice. I’m frequently told that when I’m irritated or tired I will tend to slip into my accent—so a little of my Texas roots are visible if you listen frequently and closely enough.

I write both fiction and nonfiction. I’ve written articles and product copy for numerous websites. I’ve had a newspaper column, and as a director of a humane society, I’ve been a featured weekly guest on a radio show where I’ve talked about animals at the shelter who were available for adoption.

In January, I published my first novel, Manual Exposure. It only took me twenty years! I’m proof that it is never too late! I look forward to sharing my journey with you, and I hope you’ll benefit from my mistakes, as well as the great information I continue to compile.

I currently live in Charlotte, North Carolina, with my husband and our rescue cat, Winni. She is often featured on all my social media sites. I’m an animal lover; I’ve worked and volunteered for animal groups and progressive legislation programs for two decades. I’m also a vegan. Creating beautiful and delicious vegan food is my passion. Before relocating to Charlotte, we had a vegan bakery in the stunning mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. We are currently transitioning our business into a fun and educational online destination complete with video tutorials. When I’m not baking, I’m designing and selling eco-friendly pet products. My experience in animal rescue (and my years of caring for three dogs, two ferrets, a hamster, and a cat) has given me great insight into the needs of pets, and I love to share that knowledge with other pet parents.

My passions overflow into everything I do. I’ve started a children’s book based on my experience with pet adoption, and I hope to complete a DIY book for cake and cookie decorating.

As you can hear, I’m never bored. I have a million projects going on at any one time. I have lots of hobbies. I garden and craft; I love to dance, read, and cook. I enjoy hiking, traveling, and uncovering local parks and hidden spots of interest. Nerd alert: I also enjoy video and board games.

The future episodes of my podcast will also revolve around book reviews. I’m fortunate to be sent a number of advanced reader copies of books, so you’ll hear about many titles before they are available for purchase. My hobbies and adventures will undoubtedly be in the mix, too. I will also talk about the process of writing and publishing books, and share what I learn from other writers. I love attending book festivals, and they always provide me with more topics to discuss.

Well, now that you know a little more about me, I hope you’ll stick around for future podcasts.

If you want to reach me, I’m available at jmbushnell.com. I’m on Twitter and Facebook. Don’t be shy—I’d love to hear from you. Show notes are available on jmbushnell.com under the podcast tab. Thank you for listening. I’m Jeannie Bushnell, and I want you to keep love and kindness on repeat!

Music Credit:

Monkeys Spinning Monkeys Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
