Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

Latest Episodes

Episode 7: Shimona Tzukernik, The Kabbalah Coach
May 15, 2017

B”H Do you think Judaism does not have what to offer you in terms of spirituality? Are you spiritually inclined, but think spirituality can be achieved through other traditions? Or perhaps, you’re super practical and don’t think Jewish spirituality has...

Episodio 6: Dr. Debbie Berebichez, PhD en física y anfitriona de televisión
May 08, 2017

B”H Hoy tengo el placer y el honor de presentarles a una vieja amiga, Debbie Berebichez. Debbie es doctora en fisica, con un doctorado de la universidad de Stanford. De hecho fue la primera mujer mexicana en recibir este título.

Episodio 5: Jael Toledo, Autora de ¿Quién Soy?
May 01, 2017

B”H ¿Alguna vez te has sentido sola en la vida, o que no te encuentras? ¿O tal vez después de que tuviestes hijos, sentistes en algún punto, “¡ya va, es que ya no se ni quien soy!”? Hoy en mi entrevista con Jael Toledo exploramos estos sentimientos y q...

Episode 4: Barbara Stanny, Best Selling Author and Money Coach
April 24, 2017

B”H Did you ever think to connect spirituality with your Personal Finances? Well let me tell you, in today’s interview with Barbara Stanny you will take a journey into the spiritual work of wealth. Barbara is the leading authority on women and money.

Episode 3: Barbara Reich, Professional Organizer
April 03, 2017

B”H Do you love The Container Store, have a set schedule, and know where everything is in your home? Or, do you feel totally scatterbrain, and can’t find the scissors when the kids need to do that project, NOW? Do you fall somewhere in between?

Episode 2: Leah Gottfried, Actress and Film Director
March 02, 2017

B”H Not long ago, I posted on Jewish Latin Princess Blog about the web series Soon By You. I decided to dig a little deeper as to who was making such quality work. To my wonderful surprise I found that it was none-other-than a young Jewish woman,

Episode 1: Bari Tessler, Author of The Art of Money
February 19, 2017

B”H The past month has been a whirlwind of amazing things, many of which had me put this audio interview on hold, even though every single day I craved getting to work on it. Bari Tessler is both beautiful inside and outside,
