Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

Latest Episodes

Episode 27: Rebekah Saltzman, Professional Organizer & Founder of Balagan Be Gone
October 09, 2017

B”H I hope every one is enjoying the holiday of Sukkot! Later this week we culminate the festivities with the Holiday of Simchat Torah. In a way we’re entering the last stretch of the month of Tishrei and towards this time I start wanting to get my lif...

Episode 26: Michelle Poler, Founder of Hello Fears, Speaker & Fear Facer
October 02, 2017

B”H Maybe you’ve thought that this year you might want to be braver, more bold, tackle some unchartered territory or maybe the thought of doing that still terrifies you… Often fear gets in the way of us living our best lives and being the best versions...

Episodio 25: Nathalie Levy Riess, Conferenciante & Líder Espiritual
September 25, 2017

B”H ¡Jewish Latin Princess! El año nuevo a llegado y estamos en los dies días de teshuvá, en preparación a Yom Kippur. Espero que todas están disfrutando de las fiestas de Tishrei y que estén de ánimos alegres.

Episode 24: Nomi Freeman, Expert in Near Death Experiences
September 18, 2017

B”H What would it take for you to totally turn your life upside down? Do an entire 360! How would you change your life if you could suddenly see all of the far-reaching consequences of everything you’ve ever done?

Episode 23: Erica Keswin, Founder of The Spaghetti Project
September 10, 2017

B”H Do you have a love hate relationship with technology? We all do to a certain extent, don’t we? Being plugged so to speak affords us so many wonderful opportunities, flexibility and so on. On the other hand,

Episodio 22: Nomi Freeman, experta en episodios de cercania con la muerte
September 04, 2017

B”H ¿Cómo cambiarías tu vida si pudieras de repente ver las consecuencias de todo lo que has hecho en este mundo, hasta de las cosas que parecen mas insignificantes? Mi invitada de hoy ha entrevistado cientos de personas que han tenido encuentros cerca...

Episode 21: Julie Starr, Founder of Possibility Life Coaching for Women
August 28, 2017

B”H Who thinks they could benefit from working with a life coach? I think it’s very a valuable experience. And today I get to talk to a very special life coach – a life coach who has been doing this way longer than most coaches out there. In addition,

Episode 20: Rebecca Schweiger, Artist & Founder of The Art Studio NY
August 21, 2017

B”H Have you ever said, “Well, I’m really not that creative?” or “No. I’m not the creative one…” Or are you the creative one? My guest today has a unique take on creativity, which she will share with us. With her approach,

Episode 19: Sarah Chana Radcliffe, Parenting Expert
August 14, 2017

B”H Ladies today we discuss a topic that is near and dear to most of us: marriage and parenting! We can never learn enough about it, in fact we should be constantly learning about it! Because as my guest today will tell you,

Episode 18: Robin Saex Garbose, Film Writer, Producer & Director
August 07, 2017

B”H I love a good film and good theater…I used to act in college. I married an actor, yes my husband was an actor. I definitely have an affinity for the world of performing arts. And today’s guest knows the film, t.v. and theater business in and out,
