Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

Latest Episodes

Episode 46: Yael Trusch, The Pursuit of Happiness, Redefined
February 12, 2018

B”H This episode is a synopsis of my talk at the Nishmah Shabbaton in St. Louis, Missouri. Many of the participants asked me to put together a synopsis so they could review our conversation. I thought it was a great idea.

Episode 45: Abbi Perets, Creator of Successful Freelance Mom
February 05, 2018

B”H DOWNLOAD TRANSCRIPT Do you enjoy writing, tweaking words, or communicating in the written form? Maybe a freelance writing career is for you… but if it isn’t, don’t tune out just yet, because my guest has plenty of advice for women who have an entre...

Episode 44: Rivka Fishman, Author of Sara the Bucket Filler & Creator of Bully Proofing Your Child
January 29, 2018

B”H Has your child ever come home from school sad because there is someone who is making his life miserable? Other than the teacher that is. We’ve all been there, haven’t we? It is so painful to see our kids in pain.

Episode 43: Randi Rubenstein, Parenting Coach & Author of The Parent Gap
January 22, 2018

B”H Is there a gap between what you thought you’d be as a parent and where you are as a parent? Do you worry that you’re messing up your kids? My guest wants to help parents close what she’s called the Parent Gap,

Episodio 42S: Parashat Bo: Cuando tus hijos te pregunten…
January 19, 2018

B”H Parashat Bo: Cuando tus hijos te pregunten… Este episodio está basado en la Parashá de esta semana, Bo. Se lo dedico a mi hijo mayor, Moshe David, quien nació hace 12 anos durante la Parashá Bo, el 29 del mes de Tevet. ¡Shabbat Shalom!

Episode 42: Parashat Bo with Yael
January 18, 2018

B”H Parashat Bo: When Your Children Ask… I have a special episode for you today – second episode this week. This episode is on the topic on parenting based on this week’s Parasha – Parashat Bo. I write a monthly column for The Jewish Herald Voice and I...

Episode 41: Lenore Skenazy, America’s Worst Mom
January 15, 2018

B”H Are you an over protective mother? Do you allow your kids to do age appropriate things independently, despite the risks that might be involved? What is age appropriate? As a society we do not know any more.

Episode 40: Miriam Ballin, United Hatzalah’s Wonder Woman
January 08, 2018

B”H Would you be able to be on call at all hours of the day to save a life? All while you raise a family and have a career as a family therapist. You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m your Host Yael Trusch. Welcome to the show.

Episode 39: Franciska, Music Composer, Singer & Performer
January 01, 2018

B”H Music is a big deal in our home, not because of me, but because of my husband. I have a few kids who have inherited his love of music and talent. My guest today has nurtured her musical talent from a very early age. I have composer,

Episode 38: Alexandra Zapruder, Author of Twenty Six Seconds A Personal History of the Zapruder Film
December 25, 2017

B”H Imagine you were the only one who had recorded on video a monumental event that changed the course of your country’s history? By “accident”. My guest today is Alexandra Zapruder, the granddaughter of Avraham Zapruder,
