Jewish Money Matters

Jewish Money Matters

Latest Episodes

Episodio 138: Vera Gavizón, Autora de Educación financiera para niños y no tan niños
October 26, 2020

B”H Bienvenidas a Jewish Latin Princess, esta vez con un episodio en español para todas las oyentes de habla hispana. El episodio de hoy es sobre un tema magnifico con una mujer magnifica, Vera Gavizón. Antes de que se las presente quiero recordarles q...

Episode 137: Ask Yael with special co-host Sharon Schurder
October 19, 2020

B”H How do I help my kids accept a “No” when they want to buy something without transmitting a scarcity mindset? How do I forgive past financial mistakes? How do I tithe/give maaser? And a few more details on that charity account in this episode of Ask...

Episode 136: Natalie Elisha Gold, Wealth Attorney & CEO of Gold Legal Group
October 07, 2020

B”H Did you know that there’s more to your financial life than saving, earning and investing? You’re busy building your financial house, perhaps with the help of your spouse, but my guest today wants you to – not just have a house – she wants you to bu...

Episode 135: Sarah Farzam, Founder & CEO of Bilingual Birdies
September 23, 2020

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch your Host, welcome to the show. Shana Tova! I hope your Rosh Hashana was meaningful and joyous despite the interesting and different circumstances most of us are in.

Episode 134: Hedy Pagremanski, Part 2
September 16, 2020

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, Your Host. We’re back with Hedy Pagremanski, Holocaust survivor and NYC Street Artist. We left off with her telling us why she always knew she’d marry Jewish.

Episode 133: Hedy Pagremanski, Part 1
September 02, 2020

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome back to the show. It’s back to school time in my part of the world, as well as in many of my dear listeners’ world. I wish you all and your children the best.

Episode 132: Jenny Goldfarb
August 24, 2020

B”H Calling all the vegans out there, or women like myself, definitely not vegan… but somewhere in the recesses of my brain I kind of wish I was. I have a million excuses why not to be. But, perhaps after todays’ interview you, like me,

Episode 131: Chana Mason, Vitality Coach & Author
July 20, 2020

B”H Have you ever questioned your thoughts? You might start doing so today! You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your host. Welcome to the show! Alright so let’s talk about thoughts… like breaking them apart,

Episode 130: Yael Trusch on The Spiritual Side of Money
July 13, 2020

B”H You’re listening to Jewish Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome to the show! I pushed my schedule episode another week, when I saw this interview landed in my inbox. It’s my appearance in the Within Us Podcast by Dr.

Episode 129: Dorice Horenstein, Author, Educator & Motivational Speaker
July 08, 2020

B”H You’re listening to Jeiwsh Latin Princess. I’m Yael Trusch, your Host. Welcome to the show! If you’re new to the show, I’m so glad you’re here. You have a lot of episodes to catch up on and an incredible roster of amazing women to learn from.
